Sunday, September 13, 2009


Click on title for full information)And save the date . . . The first Y-Women meeting of the year will be Tuesday, September 8, 2009. Once again this year we will be meeting at St. Anne's Church in Damascus. Our meetings will start promptly at 9:30 am.

Our Vice Presidents have been busy coming up with a great schedule for the coming year.
Lisa went over out schedule for Sept and Oct, which is as follows:
9-15 Committee Day, learn about each committe so you can decide where you'd like to help
9-22 Quilt making, help make a quilt for our auction with Nancy Opeka
9-29 Make 4/ Take 2 -card making craft with donation to 'Cards for Troops'- by Pam Giganti
10-6 Travelogue- Sylvia McCrady's Baltic Cruise
10-13 Children's Inn Halloween Craft -by Linda Kaufman
10-20 To Be Determined
10-27 Market Day

Remember our Auction is November 17th!
Hope to see you there!