Saturday, May 23, 2009

Relay for Life completed /Scholarship results are in!!

(Click on title for full story.)

This year, Damascus Y-Women participated in the Damascus Relay for Life with a team of 15 led by team captain Becky Keyser. We are proud to report that we were able to raise over $6,800.00. Our " General Store" booth set up on our designated site won first prize!

We are proud to announce that two $1,000.00 Scholarships have been awarded this year. Both senior girls attend Damascus High School and were recognized at the Damascua Awards Night on May 20th.
Damascus Y-Women have one regular meeting left and the our "End of Year" tea (at Brick Ridge Inn in Mt Airy) before we take our summer break. We will start refreshed in the fall ready to begin a new year of friendship, fellowship and service to our community.
Have a fun , safe summer!