Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Start of the New Year ...2008

Big news for Damascus Y-Women!

Anita Brikman, news anchor from WUSA9 TV, came to Damascus Y-Women', January 29th meeting to interview us and see what we are all about. Our program that day was making Valentine treats for the children's mailboxes at Children's Inn at NIH. The segment will air on Valentine's Day. Their web address is You will be able to access the video here once it has aired.

We also kicked off the raffle for Charlotte's famous Almond Butter Crunch Candy raffle.

Current program schedule:
Feb. 5th In-House Flea Market - Bring items priced & ready to sell. There will be a bulletin board available to post pictures of items to large to transport.
Any unsold items will be donated to Harwood House. We will hold a short
business meeting , then the flea market will run from 10:00am - 11:30am.
Invite your friends & neighbors to attend.

Feb. 12th No meeting

Feb. 19th Italy Travelogue - by our own Jeannette Mendonca. As an added treat, there will
an 'Italian Basket' raffle.

Feb. 26th Pampered Chef Party & Fundraiser - Everyone bring a friend, this is the kick-off for our fundraising event.

Future events ...

May 2nd - Mammogram Clinic - Giving free mammograms to women unable to afford them.
This year it will be held on a Friday.

Gladhill Museum Tour
Super Supers
End of Year Trip
End of Year Luncheon